What is included in the price of the workshop?

Included In Workshop:

  • Six days and five nights’ accommodations
  • Lodging (added cost for private lodging)
  • Catered meals 3x per day and snacks
  • Binder with workshop content
  • Virtual Reality Goggles
  • Other surprise gifts

Included Aftercare Program: FREE

  • Aftercare Plan (3 months)
  • Website with continuing education and tools
  • Bonus lesson and group zoom with Dr. Ellis
  • Monthly zoom with group
  • All group support in WhatsApp

What is a typical schedule for this workshop?

8:00am – 8:40am   Breakfast
8:45am – 9:15am   Small Group Meeting
9:15am – 9:55am   Morning Break
10:00am – 1:00pm   Curriculum (time varies)
1:00am-3:00pm   Tentative Lunch Break (time varies)
3:00am-7:00pm   Curriculum (time varies)
7:00pm-8:30pm   Dinner Break (time varies)
8:30pm-10:00pm   Night Experience

Am I able to attend to other things (ex. work) while in this training?

It is highly recommended and ideal to have no responsibilities to the outside world while in the workshop. Having work commitments can take you out of the Inner Child Workshop content. We cannot guarantee the times of meal breaks until that day. It is also likely you will be more sensitive to the outside world and can be more impacted by what is going on outside of the workshop.

What foundational work should I have completed before attending this workshop?

It is recommended that you have participated in foundational therapy or other workshop experiences prior to Liberation. This workshop is not recommended for those who 1) are active in addiction, 2) have a personality disorder diagnosis, 3) have had active suicidal thoughts or attempts of suicide in the past year, 4) have been hospitalized for a mental health issue in the past year, and 5) have a significant mental health diagnosis and are not currently in treatment with a therapist.

Will this workshop be worth my time and money?

We are very confident, based on the feedback forms since 2017, this workshop will be worth your time and money. At the bottom of the Liberation workshop landing page there are text and video testimonials.

Will I get something from this if I have explored inner child work with my therapist or inner child content in another workshop?

I have yet to have someone tell me they have experienced anything like this workshop. Many have expressed they were pleasantly surprised how novel this workshop was for them. This workshop takes the inner child work and brings it into an advanced experience within a group container. It is meant to anchor and advance the inner child work you have already completed.

What style of workshop is this?

An experiential workshop is a non-traditional teaching method that emphasizes the participant’s experience and the principle of “learning by doing”. It can provide opportunities for participants to: reflect, explore, experiment, develop new skills, and apply learning to practice. This style of this workshop emphasizes the four pillars of embodiment: awareness, breath, movement and sound.

What are the components of this workshop?

Tools: There are five tools taught in this workshop and practiced daily. These tools are to support optimal integration, nervous system regulation, and nervous system deprograming.

Lessons: This workshop has daily one hour interactive lessons that are comprehensive and highly applicable to life challenges.

Exercises: A structured group activity to promote connection to the qualities of our inner child.

Rituals: A practice with deeper intention, time allocation, and devotion. These are meant to evoke a deeper self inquiry and exploration of what has not had permission or space to be expressed.

This video explains more of the format:

Should couples do this workshop together?

There are many couples who have successfully completed Liberation together and it has benefitted their relationship. To set couples up for success, it is highly recommended to make an agreement before the training, that you will avoid going into relational process during the training. It is important to stay out of process even if you are having break throughs that will positively impact your relationship. This allows for both parties to have their own unique experience which is focused on your inner child. If you are a couple who has a hard time staying out of each other’s process, then it is advised to lodge separately or do the workshop at different times. You will be automatically put in separate small groups, and it is recommended to not do rituals next to each other, so you are not distracted by the other person. Overall, Liberation has been highly beneficial to couples who have both attended whether together or separately.

Is it advised for family members to do this workshop together?

It is not advised for family of origin to do this workshop together. In more cases than not, family member participants found it would have been best to do it on their own. Often, feelings arise about family members which you might not expect, and it is helpful to have the freedom to express these feelings without the family member present. It is also common to regress back into old ways of relating to one another, which may or may not support you doing this work.

How is this workshop trauma informed?

Dr. Ellis is a trauma informed psychologist and typically there are 3-4 other team members who are trauma informed on team and available for support. Dr. Ellis has designed this workshop for optimal integration based on science. An emphasized part of the culture is tracking and moving with the nervous system, not overriding it. We start the workshop with setting an agreement field for all who are participating. The first day the participants learn about dissociation so they can recognize when they have left the present moment. Dr. Ellis teaches about the change zone versus the harm zone. The participants are taught nervous system regulation tools, and they are used daily during the workshop. Another emphasized part the workshop is having as many choice points as possible and empowering people to choose what is best for them each step of the way. Before every exercise and ritual, the participants choose anonymously the level of intensity at which they would like to participate 1) observing participation, 2) moderate level of participation, 3) fully resourced level of participation. Participants can take a break if needed during the workshop if communicated directly with Dr. Ellis.

How does this workshop address neurodivergence?

Dr. Ellis is neurodivergent herself and is great at tracking those who are. She has designed this workshop to consider many of the sensory and clarity needs of those on the neurodivergent spectrum. The nervous system tools, self-care corner, pacing of the training, noise considerations, and lighting are all meant to support most nervous systems. The feedback forms have been glowing from those who are neurodivergent as they felt safe and well considered.

May I have access to the curriculum before arriving or signing up for the training?

Up to two weeks prior to the workshop you may request a consult with Dr. Ellis to review the curriculum. You will be given a binder the first day of training with the content to guide your experience in the training. The binder is not given out prior to the workshop or in digital form due to copyright concerns.

Does Dr. Ellis have other staff supporting her with this workshop?

Dr. Ellis works with a professional organizer to create this workshop. She has one team member who is faculty or training as faculty working directly with her to deliver the workshop content. She typically has five to seven other team members who are participating in and supporting the training at a discounted rate. These are people Dr. Ellis has screened to have the capacity and ability to support the training.

Will this workshop address childhood trauma?

We do not shy away from childhood trauma in this workshop. Typical themes of childhood trauma which are present and addressed in Liberation (direct and collectively) physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, bullying, addiction, family secrets, mental health issues, traumatic deaths, 1st generation in US and more. This content is welcome, and Dr. Ellis is confident in her ability to hold these themes in the workshop container.

Will I be healed from my childhood trauma after this workshop?

Liberation is an invitation to go deeper into your origins. Liberation does a great job of getting you started on this work and directing you to the rest of the work. Just doing this workshop alone will support you in jumping timelines on your personal healing journey. However, if you are hoping to have your childhood wounds healed in six days without any prior inner child work, it is highly unlikely to happen. Realistically, it takes more than six days to come into wholeness around our childhood. This is why we have the three months of aftercare to help guide you in the next steps. If you have done extensive work on yourself and your childhood, then this could be the closure piece for you.