Self-care mastery

Self-care Mastery – Sovereignty Series

Location: Zoom
Monday nights 5:30-7:30pm PST
Dates: 1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/3
Cost: copay/ coinsurance amount for each week of workshop
**For non patients the rate for this workshop is: $400/ $50 per hour**

Topics covered in this course:

“According to Google Trends, the number of searches for “self-care” has more than doubled since 2015.”

People are wanting answers to manage our unmanageable lives.

A four week container in which we explored the meaning of self-care and our relationship to self-care.

  • What holds us back from making ourselves the top priority?
  • How do we find motivation when it seems to be lacking?
  • How do we find the time to fit in more self-care?
  • What are the different types of self-care?
  • How do we form new habits when it is so easy to stick with what is familiar?

I am going to share with you my habit forming hacks along with the most bang for your buck self-care tools that I have learned along the way.

I am going to review the pit falls of making self-care a priority that I have observed over my career.

Even if you feel like you have above average self-care habits I guarantee you will learn new enhanced ways of integrating self-care into your daily life.

Can you commit to 8 hours over 4 weeks to devote to YOU?!


    Payment due in full by start of workshop
    Payment option for non patients:
    PayPal : @drstacyellis
    Venmo: @sellis0678